What Learners Want: New Strategies for Training Delivery

Brought to you by Training Industry and Litmos


Research has shown that the effectiveness of training increases when delivered in a variety of mediums or modalities. But in an age when learners have grown accustomed to seeking new sources like social media or video to learn outside of work, how do L&D professionals provide a learning experience at work that meets learners’ expectations?

In our newest research report written in conjunction with Training Industry, we will present new data and analysis around the following questions:

  • How would learners prefer to receive training?
  • What delivery methods do they think are effective?
  • How are they currently receiving training?
  • Does offering learners a choice of format make any difference?

You will also discover recommendations for organizations seeking to maximize their training investments by offering more choices for learners to engage with training content.

Download the report today!

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